Automation Engineer

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Job Description

Day to day responsibilities:
Analyze and manage Cyber and IT enterprise licensing as well as establish processes for enhancing software licensing.
Responsible for analyzing purchased licenses, reviewing discovery data, processing, and maintaining client software, conducting research to assist with purchases and contract requirements, and offering end – user functional support.
Also, the position will verify usage, advise purchases based on needs, and provide project delivery after meeting requirements.
The duties of a software licensing analyst are to manage applications, optimize software, identify, and address issues, analyze usage, advise management, and prepare documentation to further support clients.
Requires relevant experience in computer science, information systems/technology, engineering, or related field; strong analytical skills and demonstrated ability to organize, analyze, interpret, and present large amounts of information; demonstrated experience with software asset management and/or software compliance; in -depth knowledge of software licensing, procurement lifecycles, policies, and procedure.

Must have skills/technologies:
Candidates will need to be competent in writing in a variety of different languages.
