Network Admin

January 25, 2024

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Job Description

Implementation partner : TCS

Location : Southington, CT (onsite)

Job Description/Skills: Network Admin

Firewall Environments
� Browsing ? Mainly an egress firewall for internal web browsing with 2 DMZs for Webster employee facing service ingress such as email and VPN
.� Ecomm (DMZ) ? Ingress and egress for Webster Bank customer facing services such as websites, APIs and SFTP.
� Vendor ? ingress and egress for Webster core banking services and vendor connectivity.
� PDD ? protected internal services that contain sensitive information such as PII, PCI and HIPPA data. Extra care should exercise when creating rules to allow traffic in this environment.Requested work to be performed
� Review traffic for Allow/Deny logs in our 4 environments (Browsing, Ecomm, Vendor and PDD)
� Add rules to allow traffic where neede do Conduct a review of current rules. If possible, add to existing allow rules. If no rules exist best effort grouping of like rules based on Service or protocol is required.o Rules should always be Layer 7 based unless there is no application defined.o If there is no application defined, a layer 4 based rule is permitted but should be monitored for layer 7 application signature match to which that application should be added to the layer 4 based rule for added security.
� Create a firewall request and Document all rules created during the Migration.
� Provide the document to the Infrastructure Security Team for next day review and back fill of any firewall requests needed during the migration.
� Assess firewall policies to proactively identify policy issues prior to application migration.